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Yes, We Metal Alloys Corporation Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier of Condenser Tubes, Heat exchanger Tubes with Excellent Quality with Brand METALCO™.

Yes, We Follow All Considering Standard As per EN, BS, ISO, DIN, ASTM, JIS, Copper Alloys, Copper Nickel, Cupro Nickel, Copper, Brass, Admiralty Brass Material

Yes, We can Supply According to Customer Specification, Size, Along with any special Grade Instruction given by customer, since last 2005, A leading Brand From India

Yes, In India, We are leader brand with No doubt quality material Supplier, NABL Certified, PED Certified, ISO Certified Company. In House 100% Lab Testing Facilities available.

Yes, We Almost Server Over 40+ Countries world wide, Ask For Better Offer Price Direct from Manufacturer.

Yes, We accept OEM Supply for Heat Exchanger & Condenser tubes Copper Alloys Based

Yes, We accept Agent, Stockiest from All Over India, and Overseas.

2005 Metal Alloys Corporation family generations ago.

24 x 7 Product Expert Help Support
We accept Custom Grades
+91-93281 05180